- correct ... error
- /vt/ исправлять ... ошибка
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
correct — vb 1 Correct, rectify, emend, remedy, redress, amend, reform, revise mean to set or make right something which is wrong. One corrects something which is inaccurate, untrue, or imperfect or which contains errors, faults, or defects, when one by… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
error — er‧ror [ˈerə ǁ ˈerər] noun [countable] 1. a mistake: • The confusion was the result of a computer error. • The company has made some strategic errors. ˈcompensating ˌerror ACCOUNTING a mistake in keeping accounts that is hard to find because it… … Financial and business terms
correct — [kə rekt′] vt. [ME correcten < L correctus, pp. of corrigere < com , together + regere, to lead straight, rule: see RECKON] 1. to make right; change from wrong to right; remove errors from 2. to point out or mark the errors or faults of 3.… … English World dictionary
Error diffusion — is a type of halftoning in which the quantization residual is distributed to neighboring pixels which have not yet been processed. Its main use is to convert a multi level image into a binary image, though it has other applications.Unlike many… … Wikipedia
Error — Er ror, n. [OF. error, errur, F. erreur, L. error, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. A wandering; a roving or irregular course. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The rest of his journey, his error by sea. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. A wandering or deviation … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
correct — ► ADJECTIVE 1) free from error; true; right. 2) conforming to accepted social standards. 3) conforming to a particular political or ideological orthodoxy: environmentally correct. ► VERB 1) put right. 2) mark the errors in (a text). 3) … English terms dictionary
Correct — Cor*rect (k[^o]r*r[e^]kt ), a. [L. correctus, p. p. of corrigere to make straight, to correct; cor + regere to lead straight: cf. F. correct. See {Regular}, {Right}, and cf. {Escort}.] Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
correct — [adj1] accurate, exact according to Hoyle*, actual, amen*, appropriate, cooking with gas*, dead on*, equitable, factual, faithful, faultless, flawless, for sure, free of error, impeccable, just, legitimate, nice, okay, on target*, on the ball*,… … New thesaurus
correct — (v.) mid 14c., to set right, rectify (a fault or error), from L. correctus, pp. of corrigere to put straight, reduce to order, set right; in transf. use, to reform, amend, especially of speech or writing, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf … Etymology dictionary
Error detection and correction — In mathematics, computer science, telecommunication, and information theory, error detection and correction has great practical importance in maintaining data (information) integrity across noisy channels and less than reliable storage… … Wikipedia
Error — The word error has different meanings and usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. The concrete meaning of the Latin word error means wandering or straying . To the contrary of an illusion, an error or a mistake can sometimes be… … Wikipedia